Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cool Bikes On The Street

Welcome to the first post in a series of posts! This series will be dedicated to cool bikes that I see on the street. How exciting!

Yesterday, walking home through the Lower East Side I saw this masterpiece on Rivington out in front of a building that I have wondered about for many years.

I didn't photograph the building because there were twenty crusty punk kids standing in front of it and I didn't want them to think I was photographing them. God forbid they get the attention they're clearly craving! Anyway, the building is covered in art, sculpture, I guess you could say. It's always locked up with no less than three pad locks and you can't see inside because there are no windows. This makes me curious. Yesterday, however, the door to the mysterious building was open. Again, too many crusties to get a good look inside but I did get a good look at this bike. Maybe the bike is an extension of the exhibit that is the building?

I like the Mercier with all the stickers on it too. It's cute. I rarely see a track bike that I don't like.

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