Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Naming A Blog

I’m trying to figure out a good way to explain my thinking behind the naming of this blog. And there is something behind the name. The slim red letters barely amount to much as it is but still they are concealing a good bit of scheming and day dreaming. How to explain?

On Halloween my best friend Amanda recommended a book to me. It was Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins. Before I go any further let me stress the importance of the date and person here. Halloween is my favorite day of the year. I should note that I always dress as a variation of the same thing: a vampire, a cold one, a sanguinarian, a nosferatu, the undead, a blood sucker, et cetera. All in all I think it’s a pretty versatile role so I stick with it.

And for the person, well she’s my best friend, so I guess you could say she’s my favorite person of the year.

Anyway, I read the book and in it I learned of another path to life eternal. Yet another! I was so excited I could barely contain myself. Walking the old streets of New York City I felt like a woman that had seen the streets when they were new and at the same time I felt like I was still new or perhaps just new again. To live forever may be like more akin to being young then

old, I have decided. To see everything when it is new and to know what that feels like again and again would be a wonderful feeling. But to outlive death, century after century, that would truly make me feel young. So when I discovered the existence of this new youth prescription the placebo effect took hold of me and I felt centuries younger before even getting the darn thing filled. There was yet another answer to that nagging question: How will I outlive fear?

There are two answers that I knew of prior to my thrilling exposure to the novels of Tom Robbins. Those other two means by which a mortal may live forever are blood sucking and writing. (Hence the blog!) Both of these practices have been hobbies of mine for some time now, weather it be on just one day out of the year and in this reality or not. So on that Halloween, searching out my next blood bag victim and disguised as Snow White, it was probably part of the plan that Amanda recommend Jitterbug Perfume and that it would lead to a blog eternal.

After all, living forever is easy.

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